Are you a passionate foodie with a knack for storytelling? Do you have culinary expertise you’d love to share? welcomes food enthusiasts, home cooks, professional chefs, nutritionists, and food writers to contribute to our vibrant community!

What We’re Looking For

  • Original Recipes: We love to try new dishes! Share your unique creations, family favorites, or innovative twists on classic recipes. Include clear instructions, high-quality photos, and dietary information (e.g., vegan, gluten-free).
  • Engaging Food Articles: We’re interested in a wide range of food-related topics, including:
    • Culinary Trends: What’s new and exciting in the world of food?
    • Food Culture & History: Explore the rich traditions and stories behind our favorite dishes.
    • Restaurant Reviews: Share your experiences and recommendations.
    • Nutrition & Healthy Eating: Provide tips for balanced meals and mindful eating.
    • Food Travel: Take us on a culinary journey to different parts of the world.
    • Cooking Tips & Techniques: Help our readers improve their skills in the kitchen.
  • Compelling Personal Essays: Share your personal experiences with food, whether it’s a childhood memory, a travel adventure, or a story about how food has shaped your life.

Submission Guidelines

  • Original Content: All submissions must be your own original work and not previously published elsewhere.
  • Quality Writing: We prioritize well-written, engaging, and informative content. Please proofread your work carefully.
  • Word Count: Articles should typically be between 800-1500 words. Recipes can be shorter.
  • Images: Include high-resolution images (at least 1200 pixels wide) that complement your content. If using images from other sources, please obtain permission and provide proper attribution.
  • Formatting: Submit your work in a Word document or Google Doc format.
  • Author Bio: Include a short bio (50-100 words) with a link to your website or social media profiles.

How to Submit

Email your submissions to with the subject line “Teekeatz Submission – [Your Topic].” We’ll review your work and get back to you within 2-3 weeks.

Join Our Community!

We look forward to reading your delicious stories and recipes! By sharing your knowledge and passion for food, you’ll help us inspire and connect food lovers around the world.

Note: reserves the right to edit submissions for clarity, length, and style. We may also add links to relevant resources or products. All submissions are subject to our editorial approval.

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